Aircraft Fueling Hose

Home 5 Aircraft Fueling Hose

Aircraft Fueling Hose

Aircraft fueling hose is a rubber fuel hose specially designed for aircraft. Such oil hose is to refuel the aircrafts like helicopter and plane. With copper wires, it can prevent the static and it can work at outdoors for long terms.

Aviation Fueling Hose

Tube: Black, smooth NBR

Reinforcement: High strength synthetic plies with 2 crossing copper wires for hose grounding

Cover: Black, smooth, fire proof and antistatic ( R<106Ohm/m ), cloth impression CR, resistant to chemical products, ozone and weather

Temperature: -30℃ to +70℃ (-22°F to +158°F)

Application: The aviation fuel hose is used for aircraft ground refueling with aromatic content up to 50%

Aircraft Refueling Hose is designed for aircraft refuelers equipped with moveable service platforms. Dual helix construction offers excellent suction and discharge service. The work pressure is 300 psi and tested to be 600 psi.

Aircraft Fueling Hose Specification

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