PE Layflat Hose

Home 5 PE Layflat Hose

PE Layflat Hose

PE fibre reinforced layflat hose is a great material for agriculture. It can work as irrigation hose and drip tape. It’s the necessary part of a water saving irrigation system. Besides, it is ideal for civil water supply and some light duty industrial applications.

PE Layflat Hose Structure

Lining: PE
Reinforcement Cover: polyester jacket

Advantages of PE Layflat Hose

  1. High quality PVC material, safe and eco-friendly
  2. Light in weight and easy to use and recycle
  3. High strength and durable
  4. Anti-aging and weather resistant
  5. Remains flexible at -10℃
  6. Cold resistant and will not harden and brittle in winter
  7. High pressure resistant up to 25bar

PE Lay Flat Hose Application

PE agriculture layflat hose widely serves in agriculture, fire fighting, shipping, petroleum, chemical industry and mining.

In agriculture, it can deliver water from a resource to the farmland in a long distance. Besides, it can serve as the main water supply hose pipe in the drip irrigation and micro spray irrigation system.

While in fire fighting, such PE hose can supply large volume of water to the fire site. With various of connectors and couplings such as storze, you can quickly install it. While with types of dividing breeching, it can fit various fire conditions.

In mining, it can discharge the wasted water and slurry and transfer it to a certain place. Such lay flat hose has a high quality polyester cover which offers great abrasion resistance. Thus it can bear the tough mining conditions.

PE Layflat Hose Specification

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