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Which kind of hose is ideal for the delivery of liquid asphalt

Liquid asphalt delivery hose is mainly used in asphalt tankers, asphalt paving equipment and other liquid asphalt processing equipment. Due to the characteristics of liquid asphalt such as high temperature and viscosity, the liquid asphalt delivery hose needs to have...

General applications of carbon-free rubber hose

Carbon-free rubber tube is an environmentally friendly material. It is often used in pipeline systems for transporting liquids, gases and particles. It has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and wear resistance. Therefore, it has...

Concrete applications of sewage unloading hose

High-speed rail civil aviation sewage discharge hose is mainly used to clean sewage, feces and other dirt generated by high-speed rail and civil aircraft. Let’s take a look at the application of this special hose in different scenarios. High-speed rail stations...

Common materials of train and plane sewage discharge hose

The sewage unloading system of civil aviation and high speed rail needs to treat wastewater. This includes toilet flushing water, drinking water and clean water. Such waste water is usually discharged into ground receiving facilities...

The choice and application of industrial hose in photovoltaic

Select according to the working environment When choosing industrial hose for the photovoltaic industry, consider the working environment first. This includes the factors such as temperature, humidity and degree of pollution. According to different conditions, choose...
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