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Air hose is to transport air from the air compressor to a pneumatic applications. If you are working with a pneumatic tools, you might have some thoughts and preferences on how to choose the right ones. Please allow me to summarize the dimensions you ought to consider while choosing the right air hoses. These dimensions contain your using scenarios, the type of pneumatic tools, the needed length, and your project budget. Knowing the using environment can help to choose the right material, for example, how many layers of high tensile polyester reinforcement are needed, and the required size and length.


Air compressor hoses mainly come in PVC and a hybrid blend materials. Considering your using scenario, rubber hoses are good for kink resistance but seem to be too heavy to use, therefore PVC air hose became a fine alternative because of its lightweight and flexibility. PVC air hose is also an economical choice, and UV and ozone resistant.

Hybrid air hoses offer better using conditions. Hybrid air hoses are composited of rubber and PVC. Thus, it can work and remain flexible in extreme weather (from -30 ℃ to 65 ℃). Matte cover is an excellent abrasion-resistant outer cover, which makes it sturdier, offering hybrid air hoses a long working life. Furthermore it resists kinks and twists. Due to these advantages, hybrid air hoses’ pricing settled higher than PVC air hoses.

In addition, you will need to consider your required working pressures. 3 ply PVC air hose (1 ply high tensile polyester braiding reinforcement) can withstand 300 psi pressure during work, whereas 5 ply PVC air hose (reinforced by 2 ply high tensile polyester braiding) can work under 600 psi. There is a strong peeling adhesion between fibre and PVC. But if you required 16 mm to 32 mm inter diameter size air hoses, 5 ply PVC air hose can only withstand 300 psi working pressure in reality.

flexible air pipe

Length and Inside diameter

Choosing the right length mostly depends on your intended working scenarios. If there is a long distance needed between the air compressor and the pneumatic tool, choosing a long length one can benefit from the unnecessary wasting an extension cord. However, we can’t deny that in particular circumstance, a shorter air hose is a better choice while it is needed to work in a tight places. It can be understood easily, meanwhile, a shorter air hose can benefit minimizing the frictional loss and making the pneumatic tool required working pressure be closer to the air compressor’s output.

The common need inside diameters are 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch, but there is also up to 2 inch inside diameter choice. 1/4 inch is the best sales because it is lighter and easier to roll up. Of course, the greater the inside diameter, the more air volume per time (liters per minute) can supply to the pneumatic tool. However, the greater the inside diameter also bring the difficulties to manoeuvre. You ought to calculate the the air volume per minute needed in the pneumatic tool, then choose the corresponding inside diameter of the air hose, and choosing the right number of ply polyester reinforcement to ensure the maintain of air pressure over the distance travelled.

Hope these information can be helpful for you to choose the right air hose.

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